
Are You Looking for VBS for Your Mini Macaroni?

Local Vacation Bible Schools in and around Winchester

June 23, 2017

Music, skits, arts and crafts, Bible stories, games and snacks are just some of the fun kids can have at Vacation Bible School.  As a kid, our week-long VBS was always a highlight of summer.  We always had tons of fun while learning about the Bible and there were always new friends to be made.  Now that I have kids, VBS is something they look forward to each summer too just like we did "way back when".  Winchester and our surrounding areas offer many different Vacation Bible Schools each summer and Macaroni Kid has compiled a VBS Guide so you have them all right at your fingertips.  So, if you are looking for a VBS for your mini Macaronis, look no further!  Check out our 2017 VBS Guide HERE.